Source code for aac_datasets.datasets.wavcaps

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import os.path as osp
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, List, Optional, Union

from torch import Tensor
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from aac_datasets.datasets.base import AACDataset
from aac_datasets.datasets.functional.wavcaps import (
from aac_datasets.utils.globals import _get_root, _get_zip_path

pylog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class WavCapsItem(TypedDict): # Common attributes audio: Tensor captions: List[str] dataset: str fname: str index: int subset: str sr: int duration: float # WavCaps-specific attributes author: Optional[str] # FSD and SB description: Optional[str] # BBC, FSD and SB only duration: float download_link: Optional[str] # BBC, FSD and SB only href: Optional[str] # FSD and SB only id: str source: str tags: List[str] # FSD only
[docs]class WavCaps(AACDataset[WavCapsItem]): r"""Unofficial WavCaps PyTorch dataset. WavCaps Paper : HuggingFace source : This dataset contains 4 training subsets, extracted from different sources: - AudioSet strongly labeled ("audioset") - BBC Sound Effects ("bbc") - FreeSound ("freesound") - SoundBible ("soundbible") - AudioSet strongly labeled without AudioCaps ("audioset_no_audiocaps") - FreeSound without Clotho ("freesound_no_clotho") .. warning:: WavCaps download is experimental ; it requires a lot of disk space and can take very long time to download and extract, so you might expect errors. .. code-block:: text :caption: Dataset folder tree {root} └── WavCaps ├── Audio │ ├── AudioSet_SL │ │ └── (108317 flac files, ~64GB) │ ├── BBC_Sound_Effects │ │ └── (31201 flac files, ~142GB) │ ├── FreeSound │ │ └── (262300 flac files, ~1.4TB) │ └── SoundBible │ └── (1232 flac files, ~884MB) ├── Zip_files │ ├── AudioSet_SL │ │ └── (8 zip files, ~76GB) │ ├── BBC_Sound_Effects │ │ └── (26 zip files, ~562GB) │ ├── FreeSound │ │ └── (123 zip? files, ~1.4TB) │ └── SoundBible │ └── (1 zip? files, ~624GB) ├── json_files │ ├── AudioSet_SL │ │ └── as_final.json │ ├── BBC_Sound_Effects │ │ └── bbc_final.json │ ├── FreeSound │ │ ├── fsd_final_2s.json │ │ └── fsd_final.json │ ├── SoundBible │ │ └── sb_final.json │ └── blacklist │ ├── blacklist_exclude_all_ac.json │ ├── blacklist_exclude_test_ac.json │ └── blacklist_exclude_ubs8k_esc50_vggsound.json ├── .gitattributes └── """ # Common globals CARD: ClassVar[WavCapsCard] = WavCapsCard() def __init__( self, # Common args root: Union[str, Path, None] = None, subset: str = WavCapsCard.DEFAULT_SUBSET, download: bool = False, transform: Optional[Callable[[WavCapsItem], Any]] = None, verbose: int = 0, force_download: bool = False, verify_files: bool = False, *, # WavCaps-specific args clean_archives: bool = False, hf_cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, repo_id: Optional[str] = None, revision: Optional[str] = WavCapsCard.DEFAULT_REVISION, zip_path: Union[str, Path, None] = None, ) -> None: """ :param root: The parent of the dataset root directory. The data will be stored in the 'MACS' subdirectory. defaults to ".". :param subset: The subset of the dataset. Can be one of :attr:`~WavCapsCard.SUBSETS`. defaults to "audioset". :param download: Download the dataset if download=True and if the dataset is not already downloaded. defaults to False. :param transform: The transform to apply to the global dict item. This transform is applied only in getitem method when argument is an integer. defaults to None. :param verbose: Verbose level. Can be 0 or 1. defaults to 0. :param force_download: If True, force to re-download file even if they exists on disk. defaults to False. :param verify_files: If True, check hash value when possible. defaults to False. :param clean_archives: If True, remove the compressed archives from disk to save space. defaults to False. :param hf_cache_dir: HuggingFace cache directory. If None, use the global value :variable:`~huggingface_hub.constants.HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE`. defaults to None. :param repo_id: Repository ID on HuggingFace. defaults to "cvssp/WavCaps". :param revision: The HuggingFace revision tag. defaults to :attr:`~WavCapsCard.DEFAULT_REVISION`. :param zip_path: Path to zip executable path in shell. defaults to "zip". """ if subset not in WavCapsCard.SUBSETS: raise ValueError( f"Invalid argument subset={subset} for {WavCapsCard.PRETTY_NAME}. (expected one of {WavCapsCard.SUBSETS})" ) root = _get_root(root) zip_path = _get_zip_path(zip_path) if download: download_wavcaps_dataset( root=root, subset=subset, force=force_download, verbose=verbose, clean_archives=clean_archives, hf_cache_dir=hf_cache_dir, repo_id=repo_id, revision=revision, verify_files=verify_files, zip_path=zip_path, ) raw_data = load_wavcaps_dataset( root=root, subset=subset, verbose=verbose, hf_cache_dir=hf_cache_dir, revision=revision, ) size = len(next(iter(raw_data.values()))) raw_data["dataset"] = [WavCapsCard.NAME] * size raw_data["subset"] = [subset] * size raw_data["fpath"] = [ osp.join( _get_audio_subset_dpath( root, hf_cache_dir, revision, raw_data["source"][i] ), fname, ) for i, fname in enumerate(raw_data["fname"]) ] raw_data["index"] = list(range(size)) super().__init__( raw_data=raw_data, transform=transform, column_names=WavCapsItem.__required_keys__, flat_captions=False, sr=WavCapsCard.SAMPLE_RATE, verbose=verbose, ) self._root = root self._subset = subset self._download = download self._hf_cache_dir = hf_cache_dir self._revision = revision self.add_online_columns( { "audio": WavCaps._load_audio, "audio_metadata": WavCaps._load_audio_metadata, "duration": WavCaps._load_duration, "num_channels": WavCaps._load_num_channels, "num_frames": WavCaps._load_num_frames, "sr": WavCaps._load_sr, } ) # Properties @property def download(self) -> bool: return self._download @property def root(self) -> str: return self._root @property def sr(self) -> int: return self._sr # type: ignore @property def subset(self) -> str: return self._subset