
Download a dataset

You can download each dataset subset by using the download=True option in dataset constructor. .. :caption: Download Clotho development dataset (python).

from aac_datasets import Clotho

_ = Clotho("/my/path/to/data", subset="dev", download=True)

Or by the command line : .. :caption: Download Clotho development dataset (command line).

aac-datasets-download --root "/my/path/to/data" clotho --subsets dev

Load data

In this packages, the datasets are standard PyTorch Dataset, and each data can be loaded with squared brackets []:

from aac_datasets import Clotho

clotho_dev_ds = Clotho("/my/path/to/data", subset="dev")
# 3839
# Returns the first Clotho item (audio, captions and metadata...) as dict.
# {"audio": tensor([[...]]), "captions": ['A wild...', ...], ...}

You can also add the column/field name that you want to load:

print(clotho_dev_ds[0, "captions"])
# Returns the 5 captions of the first audio (but WITHOUT loading audio):
# ['A muddled noise of broken channel of the TV',
#  'A television blares the rhythm of a static TV.',
#  'Loud television static dips in and out of focus',
#  'The loud buzz of static constantly changes pitch and volume.',
#  'heavy static and the beginnings of a signal on a transistor radio']

print(clotho_dev_ds[10:20, "captions"])
# Returns the captions associated to the audio of index 10 (included) to 20 (excluded)

To each the list of columns in the dataset, use the property column_names

# ['audio',
#  'captions',
#  'dataset',
#  'fname',
#  'index',
#  'subset',
#  'sr',
#  'keywords',
#  'sound_id',
#  'sound_link',
#  'start_end_samples',
#  'manufacturer',
#  'license']

Build PyTorch DataLoader

PyTorch DataLoader can be easely created for AAC datasets if you override the collate_fn argument.

from aac_datasets import Clotho
from aac_datasets.utils import BasicCollate

clotho_dev_ds = Clotho("/my/path/to/data", subset="dev")
collate = BasicCollate()

loader = DataLoader(clotho_dev_ds, batch_size=32, collate_fn=collate)
for batch in loader:
    # batch is a dictionary of lists, containing audio, captions, metadata...