Source code for aac_datasets.datasets.clotho

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import os.path as osp
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, List, Optional, Union

from torch import Tensor
from typing_extensions import NotRequired, TypedDict

from aac_datasets.datasets.base import AACDataset
from aac_datasets.datasets.functional.clotho import (
from aac_datasets.utils.globals import _get_root

pylog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ClothoItem(TypedDict): r"""Class representing a single Clotho item.""" # Common attributes audio: NotRequired[Tensor] captions: NotRequired[List[str]] dataset: str fname: NotRequired[str] index: int subset: str sr: NotRequired[int] duration: NotRequired[float] # Clotho-specific attributes keywords: NotRequired[List[str]] sound_id: NotRequired[str] # warning: some files contains "Not found" sound_link: NotRequired[str] # warning: some files contains "NA" start_end_samples: NotRequired[str] # warning: some files contains "" manufacturer: NotRequired[str] license: NotRequired[str]
[docs]class Clotho(AACDataset[ClothoItem]): r"""Unofficial Clotho PyTorch dataset. Subsets available are 'train', 'val', 'eval', 'dcase_aac_test', 'dcase_aac_analysis', 'dcase_t2a_audio' and 'dcase_t2a_captions'. Audio are waveform sounds of 15 to 30 seconds, sampled at 44100 Hz. Target is a list of 5 different sentences strings describing an audio sample. The maximal number of words in captions is 20. Clotho V1 Paper : .. code-block:: text :caption: Dataset folder tree for version 'v2.1', with all subsets {root} └── CLOTHO_v2.1 ├── archives | └── (5 7z files, ~8.9GB) ├── clotho_audio_files │ ├── clotho_analysis │ │ └── (8360 wav files, ~19GB) │ ├── development │ │ └── (3839 wav files, ~7.1GB) │ ├── evaluation │ │ └── (1045 wav files, ~2.0GB) │ ├── test │ | └── (1043 wav files, ~2.0GB) │ ├── test_retrieval_audio │ | └── (1000 wav files, ~2.0GB) │ └── validation │ └── (1045 wav files, ~2.0GB) └── clotho_csv_files ├── clotho_captions_development.csv ├── clotho_captions_evaluation.csv ├── clotho_captions_validation.csv ├── clotho_metadata_development.csv ├── clotho_metadata_evaluation.csv ├── clotho_metadata_test.csv ├── clotho_metadata_validation.csv ├── retrieval_audio_metadata.csv └── retrieval_captions.csv """ # Common globals CARD: ClassVar[ClothoCard] = ClothoCard() # Clotho-specific globals INVALID_SOUND_ID: ClassVar[str] = "Not found" INVALID_SOUND_LINK: ClassVar[str] = "NA" INVALID_START_END_SAMPLES: ClassVar[str] = "" # Initialization def __init__( self, # Common args root: Union[str, Path, None] = None, subset: str = ClothoCard.DEFAULT_SUBSET, download: bool = False, transform: Optional[Callable[[ClothoItem], Any]] = None, verbose: int = 0, force_download: bool = False, verify_files: bool = False, *, # Clotho-specific args clean_archives: bool = True, flat_captions: bool = False, version: str = ClothoCard.DEFAULT_VERSION, ) -> None: """ :param root: The parent of the dataset root directory. Note: The data is stored in the 'CLOTHO_{version}' subdirectory. defaults to ".". :param subset: The subset of Clotho to use. Can be one of :attr:`~ClothoCard.SUBSETS`. defaults to "dev". :param download: Download the dataset if download=True and if the dataset is not already downloaded. defaults to False. :param transform: The transform to apply to the global dict item. This transform is applied only in getitem method when argument is an integer. defaults to None. :param verbose: Verbose level to use. Can be 0 or 1. defaults to 0. :param force_download: If True, force to re-download file even if they exists on disk. defaults to False. :param verify_files: If True, check hash value when possible. defaults to False. :param clean_archives: If True, remove the compressed archives from disk to save space. defaults to True. :param flat_captions: If True, map captions to audio instead of audio to caption. defaults to True. :param version: The version of the dataset. Can be one of :attr:`~ClothoCard.versions`. defaults to 'v2.1'. """ if version not in ClothoCard.VERSIONS: raise ValueError( f"Invalid Clotho argument version={version}. Must be one of {ClothoCard.VERSIONS}." ) if version == "v2": pylog.warning( f"The version '{version}' of the Clotho dataset contains minor some errors in file names and few corrupted files." f"Please consider using the fixed version 'v2.1'." ) if subset not in ClothoCard.SUBSETS: raise ValueError( f"Invalid Clotho argument subset={subset} for version={version}. Must be one of {ClothoCard.SUBSETS}." ) root = _get_root(root) if download: download_clotho_dataset( root=root, subset=subset, force=force_download, verbose=verbose, verify_files=verify_files, clean_archives=clean_archives, version=version, ) # Exclude some columns containing empty values for several subsets column_names = list(ClothoItem.__required_keys__) + list( ClothoItem.__optional_keys__ ) if subset == "dcase_aac_test": removed_columns = ("captions", "sound_id", "keywords", "sound_link") elif subset == "dcase_aac_analysis": removed_columns = ( "captions", "sound_id", "keywords", "sound_link", "license", "manufacturer", "start_end_samples", ) elif subset == "dcase_t2a_audio": removed_columns = ("captions",) elif subset == "dcase_t2a_captions": removed_columns = ( "audio", "sr", "duration", "fname", "sound_id", "keywords", "sound_link", "license", "manufacturer", "start_end_samples", ) else: removed_columns = () for name in removed_columns: column_names.remove(name) raw_data = load_clotho_dataset( root=root, subset=subset, verbose=verbose, version=version, ) size = len(next(iter(raw_data.values()))) raw_data["dataset"] = [ClothoCard.NAME] * size raw_data["subset"] = [subset] * size raw_data["index"] = list(range(size)) if "audio" not in removed_columns: audio_subset_dpath = _get_audio_subset_dpath(root, version, subset) assert ( audio_subset_dpath is not None ), "Internal error. (expected audio column but audio dname is None)" raw_data["fpath"] = [ osp.join(audio_subset_dpath, fname) for fname in raw_data["fname"] ] super().__init__( raw_data=raw_data, transform=transform, column_names=column_names, flat_captions=flat_captions, sr=ClothoCard.SAMPLE_RATE, verbose=verbose, ) self._root = root self._subset = subset self._download = download self._version = version if "audio" not in removed_columns: self.add_online_columns( { "audio": Clotho._load_audio, "audio_metadata": Clotho._load_audio_metadata, "duration": Clotho._load_duration, "num_channels": Clotho._load_num_channels, "num_frames": Clotho._load_num_frames, "sr": Clotho._load_sr, } ) # Properties @property def download(self) -> bool: return self._download @property def root(self) -> str: return self._root @property def sr(self) -> int: return self._sr # type: ignore @property def subset(self) -> str: return self._subset @property def version(self) -> str: return self._version # Magic methods def __repr__(self) -> str: repr_dic = { "subset": self._subset, "size": len(self), "num_columns": len(self.column_names), "version": self._version, } repr_str = ", ".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in repr_dic.items()) return f"{ClothoCard.PRETTY_NAME}({repr_str})"