
Simply run:

pip install aac-datasets

Python requirements

The python requirements are automatically installed when using pip on this repository.

torch >= 1.10.1
torchaudio >= 0.10.1
py7zr >= 0.17.2
pyyaml >= 6.0
tqdm >= 4.64.0
huggingface-hub >= 0.15.1
numpy >= 1.21.2

External requirements (AudioCaps only)

The external requirements needed to download AudioCaps are ffmpeg and yt-dlp. .. These two programs can be download on Ubuntu using sudo apt install ffmpeg youtube-dl. ffmpeg can be install on Ubuntu using sudo apt install ffmpeg and yt-dlp from the official repo.

You can also override their paths for AudioCaps:

from aac_datasets import AudioCaps
dataset = AudioCaps(